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Donald Trump's Golf Score

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It seems that sticks and stones may brake Donald's bones, but democrats will never hurt him,  . . . that is until indisputable data, will begin to surface. Since the current President has been tapped to guide our nation, it cost New York City more than $24 million to provide security at Trump Tower, or $308,000 per day – New York's police commissioner reported to the New York Times.
The excessive spending with the taxpayer' money doesn’t stop there according the Washington Post, since it estimates the President’s  trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, have already cost the federal treasury upward of $10 million. And it doesn’t take a mathematician to conclude that at this rate, the travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars quicker than we could say, "Throw the incompetent bums out!"
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