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. . . Welcome to the Embroiled News Blog. We update uncensored news when you least expect it. No Fake News Allowed! >FIND IT ALL IN OUR MAIN INDEX.






Our Mission:

        Many of our long time readers might already know how the Embroiled News prides itself by presenting diversified researched subjects, which at times baffles those who are reluctant to accept new philosophies or life’s changing concepts. Therefore, this blog and our other websites, may not be suited for some of you who are not able to be open minded. Fortunately, as members of the human specie, we do have the knack to change at will, if we let it.  We also have the capability to be enlightened, by current events and uncensored historical truths.
        The key words to note here, are, ‘uncensored / truths.’ If you are one of us, who is open minded, and factual about the world around us, we welcome you.
        Since early 1995, the Embroiled News mission has been to be unlike any other bimonthly art and historical news publication, and deliver our unbiased stories with light-hearted humor. Not long after, we leaped forward with the innovative idea to publish on the Internet, and create an entirely new type of news network. We also decided to create a trustworthy editor-in-chief, with devoted inquisitive reporters who have the unique sense for news gathering. Our information headquarters with its entire staff, was later relocated to a virtual new Embroiled News Central Office, near you! . . . Yes, near you, . . . via the Internet!
        The results can be seen on our website. And it took a lot of imagination to create an independent news gathering network, that it’s not accountable, to any attitudes or monetary profit ventures. Our news it’s about anything and everything. Articles are well researched, and the news is never, never censured. We are continuing to see the results of our efforts, while the Embroiled News is being read in many new foreign countries – a fact, we couldn’t have imagined, when we began publishing in our small local artist community.
        Nonetheless, you can rest assured, that we will continue to not report 'Fake News,' while reporting the most relevant and irrelevant news articles, that perhaps will satisfy your inquisitive mind. Our ‘Embroiled News Team’ is at this moment in the forbidden elements of nature, while compiling their stories. They are meeting danger beyond the safety of our well-guarded mythical, fortified borders. Our Embroiled News Team is constantly gathering the information everyone desperately needs to know, when they least expect it.
        As the Embroiled News editor-in-chief, I personally invite you to read our latest Up-Dates. Please, add the Embroiled News Blog to your favorite link folder, and visit our other websites. Join our cause, by contributing Stories, Poems, Pictures and Opinions, or the ‘essence’ which will continue to diversify the Embroiled News.


Prof. Oliverio Malatesta

P.S. : One last thing, "NO FAKE NEWS ALLOWED!"

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