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The Flag, Uncle Sam, and Mr. Trump

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     There hasn’t been one day since Donald Trump’s inaugural when calamities or scandals have not been reported, or fabricated with several tweets from our president. Both at home and across the world, there aren’t any doubts, that the Trump’ presidential first one hundred days, has soured – at a midpoint. Ever since James Comey and Admiral Mike Rogers, confirmed the ongoing NSA and the FBI's investigation, about the alleged ‘Russian hackers’ interference,’ in the 2016 election, the masses are poised, to press the impeach button mode.     
      Carl Bernstein, called Donald Trump, “a compulsive liar,” and has assured us that, “he is in the cover-up phase of his presidency.”  Others, who have followed the president’s daily tweeting, have made the correlation that false conspiracies  theories, are the main staple in our president daily decision making.
      Robert Reich, questions if while we have a conservative Republican majority government, we have the political will to impeach yet another sitting president. He has also calculated that there is enough evidence to begin the impeachment proceedings by invoking the 25th amendment.  According to Reich, the following evidence is at the top of a lengthy list:  
     1. Trump has accused former president Obama of illegally wiretapping Trump Tower, without giving evidence.
     2. Trump is profiting while president, by steering foreign business and diplomats to his product brand of hotels, spas, golf courses, and other Trump family related commercial activities in the US and foreign markets.
     3. Trump violated the First Amendment, including castigating and accusing the US and foreign press, as the “enemy of the people.”
     4. Trump assisted the enemy, during his 2016 presidential election, with the support from Russian hackers.
      All its needed, is a 2/3 congressional majority vote to remedy the incompetence of our present White House players.
      Here’s a final word. Conservative humourist PJ O' Rourke once quipped that "Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work, and then they get elected and prove it.”   

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