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The Tycoon and the Trump Presidency Connecton

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Hello everyone. Sam Mc Guffin here. I’m reporting that more dots have been connected with the tycoon who is evidently behind the Trump presidency. He is hedge fund executive, Robert Mercer, who with his family, have gradually become major power brokers in Donald Trump's Washington political affairs, or better known as, non starters policies and major debacles.
As most of us can recall, last summer Ted Cruz campaign was floundering, and once his polls slipped, Robert Mercer, who was Ted’ backer, abandoned ship. Donald Trump, then became his new front man. Things, immediately, began to shine for Donald , which was the reason why he bragged that he was “Very Rich” and said that, “he alone was personally footi’n the bill for his entire campaign” – Really?
But hold on! The actual truth was that, Robert Mercer and his fam, were actually holding the money bag, and especially the purse strings! The Mercer’ have spent upwards of $18.5 million in this past political campaign circus, and to make sure they wouldn’t get swindled by Trump, they appointed, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway as Donald’s personal handlers.  Robert Mercer has also donated heavily to other conservative organizations, including purchasing 50% of – And all the dots were now unmistakably, connected!
Robert Mercer later decided to exploit America's populist insurgency. Like Trump, Chief Strategist Steve Bannon is a Washington outsider who has never been elected to not even a local dog catcher’ political position. Yet the agenda had been set, to shake the very foundation of our democratic system. Rightly or wrongly, the Mercers had paid to have the ear of the president, and wanted to get their moneys worth, and snuck in the proposal for Jeff Sessions to be Trump's Attorney General.
Next comes this scene, just as if we were spit’n and sweat'n in Bizarro World: Over the course of the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump voters said that, “we’re supporting our candidate because Trump’s wants to disrupt the political order in Washington and get things done.” Fortunately, the latter is still very much in doubt, while the former is looking more and more like a mission accomplished.
In ending this article, let me say a few words to you, and all the readers of the Embroiled News: you’ve got to get yourself informed before we’ll get boondoggled, by a two bits flamboyant politician who will deceive us all until we have reached the poor house. So here’s where you can continue to read some more of these genuine facts:
       The Wall Street Journal         The New Yorker       Embroiled News Blog         Facebook
Until Next time, this is Sam Mc Guffin reminding you, to try to stay sober, and keep you pets healthy!

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