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. . . Welcome to the Embroiled News Blog. We update uncensored news when you least expect it. No Fake News Allowed! >FIND IT ALL IN OUR MAIN INDEX.







*Author copyright notice: This web site was created, designed and © Copyrighted by Giovanni. Images and text may not be published in print or digitally without prior written consent. DO NOT create links to our pages. Our web content change very frequently, you will quickly have dead links. “Give credit where credit is due,” receive permission before "lifting" anything from this web site. For additional information about our Copyright and Legal Notices contact us via our SWIFT ~ STUDIO e-Mail.  

One important thing should be noted: We are proud that our articles and cartoons are based upon researched facts: "NO FAKE NEWS IS ALLOWED!" Some of our varied political views are also derived from reliable, award winning news media sources across the world. We also respect our / your right of free speech, and your opinion is always welcomed, when replying as a written statement in the provided "comment" section.  

If your submitted work is copyrighted and seen on another web sites without your authorization, thus violating the copyright of your work (or the photographed model), notify us immediately. 11> We also periodically authenticate the submitted work, to make sure the posted items does belong to other respective owners. You can also help in this matter by letting us know if any of the items posted with us are violating any copyright laws. Please notify us and we will do our part by removing the item in question immediately. 12> By submitting pictures or written text of your work to Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News Blog warrant that the whole copyright and any other form of intellectual property right in the work is vested in them. You had also not in any way assigned, licensed, disposed of, or otherwise encumbered any of their rights which allow them to deal freely with the work and the copyright therein; that they have obtained model releases from any persons featured in their submitted photographs allowing publication and use of the works as contemplated by these entry rules and conditions; thus granting the license to Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News and agree that their work may be exhibited at venues organize by Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News web site. 13> It also warrant that Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News Blog relies fully upon the warranties and license given by Entrants when submitting their entries. Entrants indemnify and hold Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News Blog harmless from any claims, action’s proceedings, costs and expenses arising as a result of any allegation that the relevant Entrant did not own or is not wholly entitled and authorized to allow publication and reproduction of the work by the Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News Blog. 14> The decision of selecting which written work should be published or visual work exhibited on the Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News Blog web site when final, no other discussion or correspondence is necessary to be entered or post our decision. 15> Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News Blog, other sponsors or any of the venues showing the exhibition shall not be liable for any loss of, or damage to, any of the entries and Entrants shall not object to any cropping or other minor alteration of the works for the purpose of including them in any exhibition nor to any minor adaptation or treatment of the works by the Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News Blog or other licensed user for the purpose of creating publicity material. Payments 16> At present Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the Embroiled News Blog does not charge monetary compensation for this service; nor do we demand or charge a monetary per cent ( % ) for any work or sales derived from the exposure on our web site and blog.


DISCLAIMER ~ Before you came to this point I hope you have noticed and actually read, this following statement within the "Our Mission. . ." introduction. As you may recall, it stated the following:
"... this website or blog, may be unsuited for some of you, who have not been brought up from childhood to be open minded..." Please read on...
The Embroiled News editor and staff / Giovanni Caliendo / Giovanni Craftsman Studio do not assume any responsibility in the accuracy of statements or facts given within this website /blog. The mention of person's names, facts, likeness and events as they appear within an artistic rendering, photographs, fiction, non fiction story or poetry is purely coincidental. In regards to nudity: Models seen or displayed on this site are 18 years of age or older. The operators of this website or blog are not the primary producer (as that term is defined in 18 US C section 2257) of any of the visual content contained in this website or blog. You the viewer represent and warrant that you will not allow any minor access this website or blog and that you will not copy or redistribute any of the content appearing on this website or blog. Images on this website or blog are copyrighted by Giovanni Caliendo / Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the respective creators and may not be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Giovanni Caliendo / Giovanni Craftsman Studio and the respective creators. You further acknowledge that our site only contains images protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. If you are seeking obscenity or child pornography, "GET THE HELL, OUT OF THIS WEBSITE AND BLOGS!"
If however, you are some one who is not "OPEN MINDED" in regards to the nude as an art form or to our modern world at large, all the above is also meant for you. Frankly, I don't have the time to correspond or enlighten anyone who is still choosing to practice within archaic laws and beliefs while two thirds of the world population is still un-able to feed themselves because of unjustifiable conflicts, unscrupulous religious interpretations or incompetent governments. In the event such Archaic individuals will make the mistake to correspond with this website or blog in an attempt to justify or express their closed-minded ideas, in all likely hood they will be asked to reflect on the status quo and receive a copy of this following statement:
18 U.S. C. ' 2257 compliance notice
Title 18 United States Code § 2257 Record keeping requirements.
All visual depictions displayed on this website or blog are exempt from the provision of 18 U.S. C. 2257 and 28 C. F.R. because they do not portray conduct as specifically listed in 18 U.S.C. section 2256:
This web site contains no sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex.
This web site contains no bestiality.
This web site contains no masturbation.
This web site contains no sadistic or masochistic abuse.
Models who have posed nude or semi-nude and appear on this web site were 18 years or older at the time when they posed.
Your visits and viewing of this web site are under your control. As a viewer you have the sole responsibility that what you are viewing is deemed legal and responsible for you to view or read on the Internet in your locality and / or country. The Embroiled News editor and staff / Giovanni Caliendo / Giovanni Craftsman Studio can in no way be held responsible for any results of viewing or use of materials from this website or blog.

PRIVACY POLICY: With regards to your privacy, we have only one policy: "Your privacy is strictly protected." We do not sell or ever will sell, your e-mail address or personal information entrusted with us. Your identity will be carefully protected. Our belief is against any forms of unauthorized or massive e-mail or mail spamming. The only correspondence (e-mail or surface mail) you will receive from us will be because of consented referrals permitted by our readers. When deemed necessary, receipts, updated notices or information feedbacks will be sent to you by e-mail. "We pledge, and will remain committed, to protect your privacy as if it was ours." ~!~

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