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Nature is Falling

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Nature is Falling

WARNING! . . . If you are the lingering remnant of several individuals known as Neanderthals, you are to read this post carefully. We also apologize to our regular readers of the Embroiled News, for the inconvenient truths here in, and advising to take precautions, when encountering Neanderthals. During the last few months, they have been spotted both in Washington, D.C., and in France, at the recent meeting of the Paris Climate Accord.
Unless you been time-traveling, the results of the Paris Climate Accord, should be known to everyone, as a most self destructive move by any U.S. Presidents. Understandably, as Neanderthals, to survive they need to stay focused to their twelve coal producing states’ bases. Oddly, this current group of Neanderthals, are regarded as the coal industry saviors, and it’s apparently a good political move for all Neanderthals who will face their constituents soon. However, the long, redundant speaking points mentioned in Paris, were irrelevant without engagement to reality, or having reference to well known, proven scientific facts.
Supposedly, they are competent enough to make our government function on our behalf, for the common good. Yet we should receive, and demand more from our elected officials, even if they act and legislate like Neanderthals.
Being Neanderthals, they seem to lack the understanding that climate change, it’s the warming of our atmosphere, and it’s real. Nature, is relentlessly eroding every day, hours and seconds. We are all in part the cause of its rapid demise. Admitting, adjusting, and changing our behavior, should be our united effort, if we wish to save the future existence on this life sustaining planet. 
In 1986 a small Embroiled News team visited Mendenhall Glacier (also Sitaantaagu) located about 12miles from downtown Juneau in the southeast area of the U.S. State of Alaska. Years later, in 2006, two of the same team members revisited the Mendenhall Glacier, and were stunned by how the ice fields had retreated, and the once small lake at its face, had tripled in size.
These are eye witness facts that are continually occurring across the globe, while the Neanderthals, through willful ignorance and disinterest, or without even understand it, are selling out the core principles of the United States of America.
Please take a moment to read the poem, “Nature is Falling.” It was inspired when visiting Black Glacier, Alaska.
Do your part to save the environment, and every thing that makes our planet uniquely magnificent.  ~ Follow the Embroiled News on Facebook  be inspired. Send us a poem, art, pictures, and your opinions!
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